Time is a Luxury

A street portrait of a man under special light in the historic city centre of Rome

After a long time, I am finally back and I will try my best to update this blog regularly. The past five moths taught me the importance of time and how crucial time management can possibly be. Have a look at this post to find out why time is a luxury in photography!

3 Reasons To Attend a Workshop

A street photograph of a man fixing his bike in Villa Borghese Gardens, Rome, Italy

I would like to share with you which have been the best aspects of taking part in a workshop, so that you might take them into account the next time you are wondering whether to attend a photography class or not.

How to Transmit a Feeling By Manipulating Contrast

A black and white photograph of a man's silhouette against a bright background

Even a small change in contrast has a sever impact on the image, which may alter the way we transmit a feeling through the photograph substantially. Let's try to analyse how we can manipulate contrast in order to change the mood of an image.

The Importance of Having an Objective

A black and white cityscape of Saint Peter Basilica, framed inside the arch of bridge

I believe that working on any genre - street photography especially - with a crystal clear objective in mind is probably the single most important ingredient to success.

What Is Street Photography?

Franco Fontana's photograph, which shows crossing lines and the shadows of several subjects

Street photography is a very difficult genre to defined. Historically,  it has evolved from photo documentary. However,Street photography has been categorised too strictly over time. We should bust some myths.

Learn from the Masters: Ferdinando Scianna

Ferdinando Scianna's black and white image of free fish in Sicily

This is the first article of the new series: "Learn from the Masters". In this series I will introduce you to some of the most famous photographers of our era, who shaped street photography and photojournalism. Today, we will meet Ferdinando Scianna, a great master, who can teach us important lessons on the intangible aspects of photography.

Learn from the Masters: Bruce Gilden

Bruce Gilden's photograph close up portrait of a ginger man, from the photo book: Face

This is the first article of the new series: "Learn from the Masters". In this series I will introduce you to some of the most famous photographers of our era, who shaped street photography and photojournalism. Today, we will meet Bruce Gilden, the man who shaped modern street photography with his controversial style.

Learn from the Masters: René Burri

This is the first article of the new series: "Learn from the Masters". In this series I will introduce you to some of the most famous photographers of our era, who shaped street photography and photojournalism. Today, we will meet René Burri, the photojournalist who learnt to capture the decisive moment by catching flies.

How Travelling Empowers Your Photography

A long exposure photograph through an aperture of cave in Retiro Gardens, Madrid

Travelling is the best way to invest your money if you want to improve your photography. I would like to share with you three reasons why this investment will make you a better photographer.

How to Find Your Unique Style

A cityscape of Saint Peter Basilica in Rome at sunset. This has been photographed using a long exposure technique to smooth out the water

I have been asked how to find your unique photography style. I think that this question is worth discussing. So, I would like to share with you some tips to achieve more consistent results over time.